
Exploring the Old Testament, Volume 4: The Prophets is unavailable, but you can change that!

Exploring the Old Testament, Vol. 4: The Prophets is a highly readable introduction to the Hebrew prophets that locates them in their ancient historical setting, opens up the prophetic texts in the light of the most recent scholarship, and brings out their relevance for modern living. It fulfills its aim of making the prophets accessible to the student reader.

another god) to speak his word. And we saw that some scholars at least thought that the books preserve the prophets’ words accurately. Prophets plainly had strong beliefs about God and were prepared to take enormous risks in order to declare them. What were those ideas? If we were to identify the main thrusts of the prophets’ theology, it would probably be twofold: an opposition to the worship of gods other than Yahweh; and a demand for justice and righteousness in the community that laid claim to
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